Biometric ID cards will come into force for non-EU students and spouses from 25th November and will be issued from offices in Birmingham, Cardiff, Croydon, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Sheffield. We will be holding a protest outside the Home Office building in Cardiff and hope for protests outside each of the other offices on that day. You can read an excellent overview of the introduction of ID cards over in an article entitled IDentity politics: new biometric cards for foreign nationals” in Corporate Watch, we have also produced a leaflet detailing the government timetable and calling for protests around the country on the launch day. Please download, print, photocopy and distribute!

“First they forced ID cards on asylum seekers,
and I didn’t protest because I wasn’t an asylum seeker.
Now they’re forcing ID cards on non-EU migrants,
and I didn’t protest because I wasn’t a non-EU migrant
Next they’re forcing ID cards on airport workers,
and then they’re going to force one on me…”

Borders are rising around all of us, immigration law already gives the Home Office powers it would like to exert over everybody. We are against repression in all its forms and the many controls which would restrict the lives of everyone. The UK is becoming a mass surveillance society, migrants are at the very sharp end. We are keen to work with other opponents of ID cards to build a grassroots resistance to state control, please get in touch.

By resisting the repression of migrants, we defend the freedom of everyone!

Here are some more pictures of our recent awareness raising anti-ID card protest outside the Passport office in Newport a few weeks back:

Articles covering the protest also appeared in Bath Bomb and Digital ID.